Technology has changed the style, speed and reach of our communications, making society different from what it was a few decades ago. Some sociologists even say rudeness and inconsiderate behavior may be the new norm.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Civility can make a comeback, if we realize it enables us to live respectfully in communities. It’s actually the glue that binds our society says Sara Hacala, a certified etiquette and protocol consultant and author of Saving Civility. Some things you can do:

1. Make a habit of practicing kindness, generosity and gratitude. People who regularly engage in these acts live longer, healthier and happier lives.

2. Nurture your social relationships, which scientists say have the capability to generate the greatest happiness. Balance tech communication with phone calls and face-to-face visits.

3. Incivility in the workplace includes impolite business behavior, such as interrupting others, setting impossible deadlines, sending crabby emails and bullying co-workers, as well as many small acts, like not returning a “good morning.”

Giovinella Gonthier and Kevin Morrissey, authors of Rude Awakenings: Overcoming the Civility Crisis in the Workplace, say these acts affect productivity. The individuals involved should take that into consideration.

4. Establish a realistic dialogue with medical providers to get respectful and compassionate treatment.

5. Start promoting civility in your children and grandchildren. Teach them manners plus respect and empathy for others. Good social skills are a more accurate predictor of future success in the life than test scores, according to the AARP Bulletin.

            Good social skills are also a predictor of success in the workplace.