From the American Caregivers Association:
Life evolves, and sometimes our journey takes us through turbulent waters. The journey becomes a part of us and make us who we are.
Becoming a family caregiver for someone you love is one of those heart wrenching, and at times, enlightening life lessons. Your role as caregiver can happen abruptly or creep in slowly, unnoticed until one day you realize you are caring more for someone else than you are for yourself.
You find yourself beginning to struggle with the day-to-day demands. Somewhere along the way, you may think you are losing your identity and allowing the caregiving role to define who you are. That can become frightening.
Consider these steps:
Believe in yourself: The National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) stresses the importance of trying to maintain a positive attitude. Believing in yourself and recognizing your strengths and limitations will go a long way in your ability to set goals and boundaries for yourself and for your loved one.
Protect your health. It is critically important to maintain your physical and emotional health and well being. If you don’t who will? Your good health is the greatest gift you can give your loved one and your entire family.
Reach out for help: Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, rather it demonstrates strength and a keen awareness of your own abilities and sense of self.
Know your rights: The NFCA stresses the importance of arming yourself with all available information regarding your loved one’s diagnosis and treatment options. Having the proper information is vital to achieving the ability to advocate for your loved one.
The association understands that family caregiving requires the constant juggling of work, family life and maintaining our own autonomy. We need adequate support to maintain and meet all family needs.